WorkFuture has provided and continue to provide us with an excellent Occupational Health Service. We have found their advice and support invaluable in relation to the Health and Wellbeing of our employees. The service provided to us is not only efficient and professional but above all, it’s tailored to the specific needs of our business. WorkFuture has provided a combination...
March 12, 2017
Thank you for the information you have sent through, I did find the session incredibly useful, it is good to be able to recognise that what I am feeling is legitimate although a little scary when I seemed to be experience a large number of the symptoms.  I have felt a lot more able to keep a handle on my...
March 11, 2017
I have no hesitation in recommending WorkFuture to assist with sickness absence and ill health case work. S. Cooper HR Assistant
March 11, 2017
They came into our office to advise me on my workstation. Following a back injury I was having problems doing everyday things. Having made some changes to the way I work and a new chair, things have improved for me beyond measure. Thanks again.
March 11, 2017
Work Future has provided a first class service for many years. They have provided a highly competent, professional rehabilitation service together with an on-site treatment management programme for the full spectrum of employees. This combination has allowed us to have a dramatic impact on the affect of Musculoskeletal disorders to our business and has resulted in less reportable disease, lower...
March 2, 2017
“I would like to extend my thanks to WorkFuture for their professional and prompt assistance on a matter relating to the health and safety of our employees. Occupational Health can – and did – initially appear to be just another expense, arising from the ever-expanding mass of red tape that small businesses now have to work through. However, we were...
January 5, 2015
Work Future has provided a professional and consistent on-site treatment programme for all employees at Gunstones. This has been integral to our rehabilitation programme and has enabled the business to move forward with its strategic absence reduction plan. Their services are flexible and therefore extremely customer focused which is vital in our 24/7 business environment.
July 26, 2013
I would definitely recommend Workfuture to other businesses looking to outsource their Occupational Health service. L Cowlishaw, HR Manager
July 26, 2013
Thank you for your help and assistance. I would have no hesitation in recommending your services should the same situation arise. Toby Crayden, MLMPS
July 26, 2013
A very positive customer experience... the report came through quickly with tangible recommendations. I would have no hesitation in using WorkFuture again.
July 26, 2013
The workstation assessment I received from Workfuture has proved extremely beneficial.
July 26, 2013
After two years of suffering joint pain, and after the doctor, osteopath, and physiotherapy had failed to provide lasting relief, my company engaged WorkFuture. I was most impressed with WorkFuture. I am now much more optimistic about a pain-free future.
July 26, 2013