Why provide New Employment Health Screening?

New Employment or Pre-placement screening is the first step in ensuring the health of your employees. An as an employer you are responsible for making sure your staff are safe at work. To do this you need to know if there are any health problems that will be affected by their work.

Do you feel the costs out weight the benefits of Employment Screening?

Often employers think you need to be a big employer or have alot of staff to make pre-employment screening worthwhile. Some businesses feel they do not have the space or equipment on site to offer these services. But New Employment screening is relatively easy and quick to administer

How does New Employment Screening protect employees’ health?

New Employment screening can be quite a quick process involving nothing more than a postal questionnaire. So you don’t always need a large amount of space or equipment. Sometimes a more detailed physical examination will be needed but this is not often.

   See our range of New Employment Health Services

  • Postal questionniare
  • Telephone consultation
  • Face to face interview
  • Full health assessment

Using New Employment Screening to preventing work-related illness?

Once you know what health issues your employees have than you can make decisions about the best way to protect them e.g.providing regular health surveillance such as hearing tests. All of this will not only benefit your employees health but also reduce the risk of litigation to your business.

For help with your New Employment Health Screening and Medicals

Call us now on 0845 4507316

  • Speak to one of our friendly members of staff to enquire about your New Employment Health Screening
  • We will provide you with suitable New Employment Health Screening Questionnaires
  • Our Occupational Health Nurses will screen through the returned New Employment Questionnaires
  • Telephone assessments will be arranged for those who require it and Fitness Certificates will be issues within 28 hours of the assessment

See our New Employment Case Study