Do you need to provide more support for staff with musculoskeletal injuries?

With musculoskeletal injuries resulting in high levels of absence from work many organisations are keen to address this problem by providing treatment through access to specialist physiotherapy services.

Not sure how to provide the Physiotherapy you need?

Organisations with staff spread across a wide geographical area can find accessing individual physiotherapy practices creates a heavy administrative burden causing long delays for treatment. One way to reduce this is through a telephone triage system.

How does Physiotherapy Telephone Triage help employees?

Telephone triage is a streamlined approach that ensures early intervention to all employees. Employees are provided with immediate access to professional physiotherapists and receive fast effective treatment with the addition of on-line support.

The process involves employees calling a triage helpdesk to talk to a physiotherapist directly. The employees are given a 20 minute telephone assessment about their current condition and health problem and experts offer advice on a wide range of musculoskeletal conditions.

How does Physiotherapy Telephone Triage work?

The triage service helps to identify which employees can self-manage their condition on the advice of a physiotherapist and whether a course of face to face physiotherapy treatment is required. The physiotherapist will keep in contact with the individual over a number of weeks to monitor the condition and provide necessary support.
The service does not require the employees to see a GP for referral or to wait to book in for a consultation with a physiotherapy clinic. For most organisations 20-30% of employees will be managed with a triage service rather than needing a face to face appointments. Employees are provided with bespoke advice is supported by on-lien programmes and video based guidance.

Using Physiotherapy Telephone Triage in your workplace?

Physiotherapy triage can be accessed by all employees with musculoskeletal injuries not just those off work so it can help employees stay at work. The service gives employees access to specialist care and advice, and ensures employees have a better understanding for their own health. Physiotherapy telephone triage can also assist line managers wanting to support to their staff and reduce the impact of injuries from time spent away from the office and a faster return to work.