Mental Health in the Workplace

Are Mental Health issues a concern for your business?

Mental health conditions are very common – 1 in 6 adults has a mental health problem. Despite this, over 45% of employers are unaware that their employees have any difficulties and unaware of the support they can offer. For the employees it can mean they are struggling to work and not receiving the help they need.

Do you know how to recognise when an employee has a Mental Health condition?

Sometimes an employee can show patterns of behaviour in the workplace that cause concern, from frequent absences to unexplained behaviour towards colleagues. Managers and colleagues will be aware these concerns and need know the triggers for an occupational health referral including

  • sickness absence
  • poor performance
  • behaviour that causes concern
  • complaints
  • an employee asking for help.

Why do people develop Mental Health problems?

Mental health is like physical health and for everyone it can vary over time. Mental health conditions can affect people of any age, personality and background. Sometimes mental health issues are the result of our experiences or a specific incident, but sometimes they just happen.

What Mental Health Services are available?

Mental health has been overlooked by employers for a long time, and and this has had a big impact on the performance of both individuals and their organisations. It is becoming more important than ever that businesses need access to the appropriate support for their staff. WorkFuture Occupational Health  provides a range of specialist service to help both employees and employer.