
On-site Physiotherapy Service

Absence from Musculo-Skeletal Injuries

A large multi-national company with a number of factories in the East Midlands were concerned with the number of musculo-skeletal injuries resulting in high levels of absence. Management were keen to introduce measures that would reduce the number of injuries and absence and speed up the return to work. They were looking for a cost-effective intervention they could show would save them money year on year.

On-site Physiotherapy Service

WorkFuture provided a weekly on-site service to allow a rapid referral to physiotherapy for all employees with musculo-skeletal injuries. Many of the injuries were able to be managed on-site with a combination of early treatment and altered duties so there was no lost time for the company. Prompt and efficient treatment resulted in a faster return to work as well as preventing problems developing to a level where time off work was required. The Occupational Physiotherapist was also able to assist the Health & Safety Team in preventing injuries in the workplace with manual handling training and risk assessments.

The company achieved a significant reduction on absence saving more than double the cost of the investment in the service. According to the CSP this is a typical return on investment for occupational physiotherapy

For more information on Occupational Physiotherapy

Download our WF Occ Physiotherapy Brochure 2013

Call us on 0845 4507316